Hello and thank you for your interest in working with me.

Here is initial information about scheduling some work with me, pricing, and timing. We are a small, few-man team and I do my best to respond to everybody who reaches out.

– For smaller projects, I find that lists and pictures are the best way to obtain a free estimate or quote and you can share the info here in this form. If it is necessary to do a site visit for a quote there is a $100 fee for the site visit and quote or for an inspection.

– I will get to your quote as quickly as I can. We are typically working in the field during the day, and we try to give the customer we are servicing that day our undivided attention. When we are over-busy, the emails suffer first. The reason for this is that our first duty is to those who are current clients. So thank you for your patience in getting your quote. We will be in touch via email with your quote within one business day. If this sounds good, then fill out the form below and I will get back to you with your quote!

Thank you,